Your life is written, produced, and directed by you via the thoughts and emotions you keep.
Have you ever had something so wild and outlandish occur that you find yourself truly pondering, "Why? Why did this happen to me? Why am I in this situation?" I think we have all been there.
Generally, after we ask the question and begin the process of fixing whatever was broken, we end up moving on in life. When the pain (physical or otherwise) subsides, we simply move on. In the moment of crisis, we truly wanted resolution, and we are extremely open to input from the inner and outer world. During crisis, we become conscious in many ways, like being present during mundane tasks such as washing dishes, realizing how that process is therapeutic, or cleaning what was dirty and restoring serenity. Or we may find ourselves listening intently to someone’s story, connected like never before.
We also know (during crisis) that an answer can come from any source. And we are right with that thinking.
I heard many years ago that there is "Christ" in crisis. I like that idea because to me it means our Christ self, or higher self, is ready and on post because something has gone wrong. This is true...but it is always true. Your higher self, or whatever you want to call it, is always "on"; usually, it is your “common-mortal self,” the part of you that may not always be in tune with your highest self, that is fast asleep. Keep this in mind: You do not need a crisis to be aware of and guided and comforted by your inner Christ. The Christ in you also has nothing to do with the man and master teacher Jesus Christ unless you say it does. Also, you do not need a "crisis" at all, and you can prevent major breakdowns by paying close attention to small issues. Listen deep within your heart. Whatever is not working for you, start working on it. You can begin by assessing your overall attitude/perception/outlook on the situation, and being as honest as you can about it. Once you see where your paradigm is off track (remember, if it were on track, the situation would be working for you), you can begin to shift it; and then you will naturally be led to aligning your actions with your improved way of thinking. All you ever need is desire; and a persistent desire is an indication that what you want is yours. All problems have solutions. Really, there are no “problems.” There are daily “occurrences,” and the constant aligning with our higher self is all that is needed to transform what doesn’t work into what does.
Earlier in this post you read about how a crisis can open you up to greater awareness of life. When we are in trouble, we summons all of our wherewithal to get the job done...whatever the job is. Think about poor families who have the very daunting job of finding a way to pay for the burial of a family member. If you notice, it ALWAYS gets done. How so? The people who have found themselves in such a dilemma find a way because they know there is no other choice. The idea of there being no other option but to succeed in a venture is a very powerful one. When we make up our minds on a thing, it is done; and a crisis will definitely give you some incentive. Here's a huge issue with making it through hard times. In many cases, people are asleep to the fact that when we "save" ourselves, it is an emergency-based process, and there is even more work after the day has been saved. When I say work, I don't necessarily mean physical work, but that may be necessary as well. What I mean by this is, there is usually a reason we find ourselves in certain predicaments. For example, you were reprimanded or fired for not being on time for work. This sort of incident happens all of the time. Interestingly enough, I often hear people with a level of arrogance say things like, "They set me up," or "They didn't like me anyway," or even those with some spiritual understanding will employ some "spiritual pride" and say things like, "I needed to move on anyway." All of those may be valid points of view, but the issue truly was found in the idea that you continuously broke the boundary of time, which helped create more challenge in your life. So in this scenario, "the work" would be loving yourself enough to look at the issue. Remember how everything unfolded. Did you consider the other people involved? If it was a business issue, were you doing what was asked of you as a team member? Really? And this investigation process or "work" is done with the utmost love for self...releasing ALL need to be right and looking instead to be clear. Looking lovingly close at yourself to be sure that what created this issue is not created again.
The experiences in our lives belong to us. Nothing just happens to us randomly (though it seems that way). That is a tough pill to swallow for many; I have been told that many times. For me, that is one of the greatest ideas in life: to know that although I don't "control" the world I experience, I definitely have a hand in what I experience and how. What a wonderful truth!
When I stumble on my path, I always reflect on what exactly could have been the basis of the issue. As a metaphysician (the practice of metaphysics), I look directly at how things unfold to find what the underlying problem could be. For example, when we dream, there are many images that appear—strange, funny, loving, horrible, etc.; and when we wake up, we say to ourselves, "I wonder what that means."
There is always meaning in the unfolding of events in your day, and that is how you can find out what type of “e-motion” (energy in motion) is about you, and in and about your world, by paying close, detailed attention to what you experience in a day. What type of day do you have regularly? Are you tired? Do people get on your nerves? Do people love, respect, and acknowledge you? Whatever the case, whether or not you believe this way of thinking, this is how it would be best to look at your world if you care to truly understand it.
Details about the way you experience life tell your story in totality. Study every moment of your day to find the answers regarding your life's movie. You are the only person that has the perfect view of your life. Others may help you on your way, but help from outside of ourselves is but a crumb on the kitchen floor compared to the bountiful buffet that you can and will bring forth for yourself (that would include this blog). The "crumbs" of knowledge from others is a wonderful indication that you are on the way and close to the feast...but it truly comes from within. And as for spiritual food, there is nothing more delicious than your very own recipes. Get quiet often. When things don't work out as planned, don't get mad, get quiet and get clear. To pay close attention to yourself is truly your job as a human being. Mastering your life or “be-ing” is a glorious experience that continuously rewards you for loving yourself enough to pay attention to yourself. That's a wonderful system.
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