If you spend all your time asking why a thing is or isn't, without conducting a full investigation, you will remain on the side of the question instead of arriving at an answer.
When someone finds him/herself in trouble legally, unfortunately, there is an automatic implication of guilt in the minds of many who are aware of the story...those who are associated and those who are not. This is not an appropriate action, according to the law. American law states a person is innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, that does not always occur. People make up their minds and they believe what they believe.
But let's take a look at the believer in this scenario, someone that is not associated with the person or the case. Why would such a person feel overwhelmed, moved to tears, or even feel compelled to share harsh thoughts on the matter if it doesn't concern them? It was on T.V. and the Internet, right? We all read or watched and listened. We were all saddened by the reality of the case...a little girl died. So why do we spend time talking about it and have deep, visceral emotion about it?
Everybody is a "good" person. We have all come from the same Source. Some express Source more fully than others...and that is all.
People die every day, all day and night long, in every corner of the globe. For children, I believe the statistic is one child every 5 seconds somewhere in the world. If we are really earnest, we could dedicate some time to prayer, meditation or activism in this regard, and really use our energies and ideas to assist in the matters that concern us. What makes one death more important than another? The answer is that we choose to assign it a status. Many times, for our personal reasons, it gives us relief from issues in our own lives; it gives us someone to be upset with, and a thing to be upset about.
From a Spiritual and metaphysical perspective, children/people die in the many different manners that best reflect the life they lived; and murder/accidental or unexplained deaths occur so that the family and the community can awaken.
There is a horrible case in the news. A small child was missing and then was found dead. It's horrible. Repeating that phrase "it is horrible" is bad (as in low, non-creative energy); and then we add our opinion about the story and we begin to bind the element of this to ourselves. We begin to align ourselves with theories and rumor, and fact and truth as well. Soon we are bathing in sea of "out there," the world that we will never control. We cannot get mad enough to change the circumstances. Anger and venomous thoughts do not serve us.
Keeping our minds focused on what we really want is of the utmost importance. Thinking about or discussing the ills of the world is a most perfect way to bring forth those types of ills in our own lives, for an opportunity to really experience them.
In this case, the outcome of not guilty is closer to the essence of life than a guilty verdict. The verdict is clearly outrageous to many, but outrage is a result of some level hate and revenge. This is how we harm ourselves with ill thoughts of others. We never need to desire revenge. When we are well, it's not of us.
I don't know what happened in this case. I know that it does not concern me; but if love is desired, I wish to send some for places it seems to absent.
This post is to remind us to continuously look and speak upon beauty and everything like it. There are times when we need to be assertive, have an opinion, and speak on an issue. Let it be gentle, and let it be our own issues.
When a "spell" of hurt, anger, or frustration in your midst motivates you to speak down on something, repeating nastiness, gossip, or sadness, a peaceful solution is to listen to soft music or write or dance, or in any way release yourself from the desire to bring your own Spirits down.
Whenever we witness the impossible, it's usually grace. If you can't perceive grace, you may want to shift your view.
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