So, the bottom line is, at least in my view, that we are here to be human. And humans do a lot of different things...and all of them are exactly as they should be. Go ahead and work that out for a minute.
There is no good or bad; there are only generic experiences. Free will? Means YOU get to name it.
So, what you may think is good, bad, fat, ugly, or whatever...has its roots in you. There is no "out there." We are built in such a way that we like, and are attracted to, what we are. Your disdain or even hatred for a thing has nothing to do with the thing in question.
What is more harmonious is to accept life as it is, but put your focus on what you really like; in this way, you will be experiencing more of what you want.
We cannot control this world. Nor should we judge it based on what we call correct. If a certain behavior is not for you, then don't do that.
We are here in this world to learn from it and to be seasoned by it. If you notice, people that have lived the "scandalous" or "out there" type of lifestyles are always more interesting and fun to be around.
We are all aware of, and sometimes saddened by, what occurs in the world. It leaves many—no—most asking the question, "WHY?!"
You can be sure that what occurs in this world is for the benefit of those who experience it, no matter how you/they/we experience it.
It is at this juncture that you can decide to accept this dark side of human existence, and with that acceptance begin to find reasons to be thankful and move forward without bitterness or hatred for that which we are.
The pedophile is attracted to new humans with strong sexual energy AND desire ... mostly unconscious but many times VERY conscious.
The murderer is attracted to people with a level of "death wish" energy and a belief in violence. Or even people with a strong "victim" mentality that has finally permeated their experience. I say this very gently ... some warriors such as gang members and military men and women, would have their death occur no other way, going out in a "blaze of glory."
The dope dealer exists because people are in pain and also not fully grounded in their humanness, and want to take a break from this journey.
Acceptance of our humanness does not mean we condone what we call negative behavior; it simply means that we refuse to suffer over that which we cannot control.
What is controllable in life is the way we think and the way we feel. Choosing the highest thoughts you can reach and the best feelings you can conjure up within yourself is really all that is needed to experience the best life you can imagine. As a matter of fact, the best lives that we know of HAVE been imagined before coming into manifestation!!
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